[KW 1017 Sub.Code : 4716 Q.P. Code 664716
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper I
February 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Write essays on :
1. Define ‘Social Control’. Explain the various methods of social control.
2. Define ‘Caste’. Explain the changing trends of caste system.
II. Write short notes on :
1. Social factors of health.
2. Social perception of illness.
3. Process of socialization.
4. Role of primary and secondary groups in health.
5. Population explosion in India.
III. Short answer questions :
1. Define health.
2. Write any four characteristics of society.
3. What do you mean by culture?
4. Point out the main characteristic of tribe.
5. Write the causes of conflict.
6. What do you understand by endogamy?
7. List out two functions of family.
8. Write two demerits of caste system.
9. Write the factors which involve in growth of village community.
10. Write any four social deviance and diseases.
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